At Packaging Price, we strive to provide the best customer service experience, including hassle-free returns!
If, for any reason, you need to return an order, you can do so within 30 days of the order date. No-Exceptions. We understand that sometimes things don't work out as expected, so we have a simple return process. However, if the Packaging Price is not at fault, you will be responsible for the shipment return cost and a 20% restocking fee.
To initiate a return, please send us the tracking information once you have started the process. Once we have your tracking number and the product is returned, we will issue a full refund for your order. All returns must be in undamaged, resell condition. If items are unacceptable to our warehouse, your refund may be adjusted.
In the rare event that the Packaging Price is at fault, we will gladly cover the cost of the return shipment. We believe in taking responsibility for our mistakes and appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. Return the product within 30 days, and we will promptly process a full refund for your order.
How to Start a Return:
- Email details of the return and reasoning.
- You will be provided an RMA number from the team. This is required on your return shipment to be received in our warehouse.
- Email your tracking number.
- Damaged
- Lost
- Missing
- Signed POD noting damages or missing items.
- Pictures of product or damage.
- Any other documentation to help your case.
For orders under $300, we will issue replacements immediately. We understand the inconvenience caused and want to ensure that you receive the products you ordered in pristine condition. Our team will work diligently to process the replacements and get them to you immediately.
If your order exceeds $300, we will open a claim with our claims department. Our dedicated team will handle the situation promptly and find a solution that satisfies you. Please allow 2-3 business days to work diligently and find the best solution. We value your trust in us and will make every effort to resolve the matter in the most efficient manner possible.
How to Start a Claim:
- Email details required above.
- Attach any additional documentation you may have to help your claim.
NOTE: Signing your POD "Subject to Count or Subject to Inspection" will not be accepted as a validated signature of receipt and may result in your claim being denied. Provide the above documentation to ensure your claim is not rejected.
At Packaging Price, we prioritize customer satisfaction and aim to provide the best experience possible. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our return policy or any other matter, please don't hesitate to contact our friendly customer service team. We are here to assist you and ensure your experience with us is exceptional.